Felix & Mumford _ CodeX – Mapping Manifattura delle Arti in Bologna

GALLLERIAPIÙ presents the new city mapping project by the international artist duo Felix & Mumford. They will continue working on their series of maps of gentrified areas, which began in 2012 in Berlin to be followed by Amsterdam and Aruba.
The first residence activated by GALLLERIAPIÙ develops around the same neighborhood that houses the gallery’s venue. Felix & Mumford have researched the cultural district Manifattura delle Arti (MdA) in Bologna, where they systematically gathered, classified, selected and re-ordered the graffiti and dirty corners that were overlooked in the sweeping urban renewal or re-etched onto its now smooth surfaces. Acting like contemporary glossators, Felix & Mumford comment on MdA with both tags taken from the street and sentences extracted from an academic paper by Giorgia Aiello, researcher and lecturer in the School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds (UK). In her essay “From Wound to Enclave: The Visual-Material Performance of Urban Renewal in Bologna’s Manifattura delle Arti”, published in the Western Journal of Communication in 2011, Giorgia Aiello examines the urban renewal of her native district in Bologna – now home to the cultural district MdA – through an evaluation of its physical characteristics and with the aid of her personal history.  With their artistic analysis and their original interpretation, Felix & Mumford have translated their anthropological research into an exhibition of a new series of works and a map. The artworks exhibited in the gallery are condensed images of bits found on their walks in the area, where texts, signs and symbols are reproduced and reordered by hand, brought together and combined with words from Dr Aiello’s text. The map, distributed throughout the area, is the translation of their spatial thought and serves as an archeological guide. The visitor is invited to take advantage of a dual exhibition: in the gallery the works on canvas will act as a code for a fresh look at Manifattura delle Arti; the street becomes in turn a display area in which to look for the clues that influenced the artists. The two exhibitions maintain a constant and reciprocal dialogue through the use of QR code, contemporary post-glossa that allow an active in-depth analysis, revealing additional information and narratives.

#pensare #mapping #humor #streetart #cucu #metodo #tivoglio #felix&mumford #pikasso #urbanart #kobra #writing #fuckeverything #tag #makemeastar #riqualificazione #suber #appropiation #divietodiaffissione #archiving #naive #publicspace #culturaldistrict #indifferenziata #manifatturadellearti #espropri #conceptualart #glossatori

Felix & Mumford (Claire Fons, Rotterdam – The Netherlands and Gamal Fouad, Alexandria – Egypt) are a visual artist collective based in Berlin and Amsterdam. They have been working together in the field of conceptual art since 2009.
Felix & Mumford have taken part in international exhibitions in museums and galleries such as Projectraum Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien Berlin, National Museum Berlin, Essays & Observations Berlin, Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin, Node in collaboration with Grimmuseum Berlin, Gallery Die Kunstagentin Cologne, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam, Twente Biennale Enschede, TETEM Artspace Enschede, &FOAM Amsterdam, Kunstrai artfair Amsterdam, Supermarket artfair Stockholm, Gallery KNIPSU Bergen Norway, 111 Minna Street Gallery San Francisco. They have participated in residency programmes such as IBB (Instituto Buena Bista) Curacao, DCR Studios The Hague, Ateliers ʼ89 Aruba, GlogauAir Berlin. They received grants from Fonds BKVB (now Mondriaanfund) and the Amsterdam fund for the arts (AFK). Their work is in the collection of the Central Museum in Utrecht and in several private collections. In 2014 they curated their first show at the Royal Academy of Art The Hague.

Thanks to berlinerpool

With the patronage of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

Giorgia Aiello _ Manifattura delle Arti ENG

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